

24th February 2009

On 5 February 2009, KOMA received a direct Letter of (Full) Endorsement (Surat Sokong Penuh) from the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

This was is recognition for LTC Aiman's initiative in offering to conduct a series of Talks and Demo workshops to all leading Universities in the Klang Valley.

The Talks are on Safety Awareness for Women, and are at NO cost.


Safety Awareness for Women

Following an initiative from KOMA SEAPAC, several selected major Universities (mostly in the Klang Valley) will be organizing special Talks on Safety Awareness for Women during March and April. The main objective of the Talk is to empower women (Students and Faculty) by illuminating the potential dangers surrounding them re physical violence and crime.

Each Talk will last approximately 80 minutes in total, and will cover Safety Strategies and Tips, realistic scenarios, a feedback session and a mini demonstration event that will cover efficient and realistic self defense tactics. The Talks are fully endorsed by 2 Ministries, i.e. MOHE (Ministry of Higher Education) and KPWKM (Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development) as well as JAKIM (Jabatan Agama Islam Malaysia).

Admission is free as the hosts are contributing their own time and resources for this urgent community issue.

The Universities concerned are:
1.      UNIKL; Wed 18 March 1130hrs at Besatri Hall.
2.      UM; Fri 20 March 0930hrs at Dewan Perdana 1, Kompleks Perdana Siswa.
3.      Uni HELP; Wed 25 March; time and venue TBC.
4.      Uni LKW; TBC; awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
5.      UTAR; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
6.      UCSI; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
7.      UITM; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
8.      UKM; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
9.      UIA; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
10.  UniTAR; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
11.  MMU; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
12.  MUST; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
13.  Uni SUNWAY; TBC awaiting Uni management to confirm details.
14.  Uni TAYLORS has declined to hold the Talk for its students.

KOMA is a leading Center of Excellence concerning Tactical Combat Training for Military, Law Enforcement and Civilian markets. Most of its Programs are strictly B2G only, and it has extensive experience in the US, South Korean and Malaysian areas and systems of operations concerning tactical combat training. A detailed background is attached for reference.

For further information, please contact LTC (Rtd) Dr. Alif Aiman Abd. (Phd) at 012-300-3636.

This marked the first time that PTK was introduced to Sarawak and East Malaysia. The comprehensive back to back 8 hour session was enjoyed by all, and planning is already underway for the next session in early 2009.