Dear All,
Sometime back, I posted a small reminder of the Values (Honour, Integrity and Duty) that I try to live by, and which I have incorporated directly onto our corporate body. I hope that this had jogged your thinking processes a tad.
As a follow up, there are 3 more values that I believe in, and need to be used in conjunction with the primary 3. The former are what I strive for in the martial art and warrior environment; the latter 3 are what one needs to survive and thrive in life itself. These values and the MA that I practice have been by my side for over 3 and a half decades. They have NEVER failed me, and continue to nurture me. To be truthful, due to the fact that we all human, it is I who has on occasion failed to observe these values, and have had to correct myself.
Faith, Courage and Love. Simple words. Difficult to truly understand, appreciate and abide by. One must have Faith in the things that one believes in. These could be friends, vocation, religion, values, etc. It should definitely be oneself, ie self confidence ( but not "Yeah! I am the greatest!" Yes, it did work for Mohammad Ali, but he's from another world ). Do not let others with hidden agendas shake your faith as it will lead you down a road from which it is very difficult to come back from. Do not doubt yourself or what you have committed to believe in at every corner or issue, or you will simply meander aimlessly through life, never achieving anything of value as well as losing things dear to you.
Courage. If you have the faith, and you know what is right for you, have the courage to actually do it and follow through to the end. It is seldom easy to do the right things, but the rewards will be there at the end. Or at least a clear conscience. Do not give up, always pick yourself up after a fall and strive. There have been many times when I have been faced with difficult decisions concerning my MA training. I could have easily picked the easier paths, the ones without issues, without pain, without difficulties. You cannot imagine how enormous the task is to keep faithful to the style of a particular MA one initially started out with; eg. my home for HKD (SMK) has remained pure since 1978; that of TKD (CDK) since 1970. There are many examples of persons taking the easy route for quick promotion and "instant" skills via one day wonder seminars or mail order. However, everything does catch up with you at the end, so a clear conscience is essential.
Love is the gel that makes it all work and be worthwhile. Do not deny your family, your God, your beliefs, those who stand by you no matter what. There are many who use this word willy nilly, but run when problems arise. This world is a different one to which I grew up in. People's word are no longer their bond. Why are so many obsessed with the quick fix and instant gratification? Things that you want to last your lifetime need Love and commitment to nurture. Not like some fast food joint. With Love comes compassion, understanding, empathy, ie all the "goodness" one needs to feed ones soul.
I have been forged in the fires of old as far as my MAs are concerned. There have been many times when I have been frustrated, upset, angry, used, betrayed, cheated. Even until today. By those who I helped and stood by. Some of course I should have known better, but I have always given the benefit of the doubt to those in need and especially those of the Book or who used HIS name to solicit help. By this token, you need to know which choices to make, and be careful about them.
As far as training is concerned, most have you have come a long way. Some have achieved more than you yourselves once ever dreamed possible. Except to me. I have always tried to understand you individually, and motivated and pushed where necessary. Look at what you have achieved. Some of you have climbed peaks that you once thought were impossible, yet wear the black belt now with ease and confidence (ok, almost

) Those of you that remain have my sincere respect and I am proud of you.
Dr. Julian Lim
2nd March 2005