Reflections on the Korean Martial Arts
As we ramble through our daily lives, we are constantly assaulted by the pressures of “modern” living and survival. Time has become a precious commodity. Rare are the moments when we can ponder on what we do in our training, why we pursue it, and what its impact is on the greater scheme of things.
Our study of the Martial Arts takes place on several planes. On the very basic level, it teaches us basic self defense skills. It should also improve our fitness and health. However, these only reflect the study of basic physical skills. There is no requirement for higher learning, i.e. conscience, ethics, morality, compassion, responsibility, love. Our “art” would only be a means to its own end. It would be called “HapKiSool” or “TaeKwonSool”, i.e. “Coordinated Power Techniques” and “Fist and Foot Techniques respectively.
Fortunately, we pursue knowledge and ideals far greater than mere physical skills. We study the Arts as a way of life, and thus try to better ourselves for it. Hence the word “Do” in HapKiDo or “The Way of Coordinated Power”. Sometimes we are fortunate that we have a distinct family or style of executing our study of the Art, eg “HapKiDo SungMooKwan” or “The School of Martial Accomplishments of the Way of Coordinated Power”.
So how does this impact on my life and how I live it?
HKD SMK is only a means to an end. If absorbed in the way prescribed and designed, it WILL make us better persons. We need to understand, accept and emulate its core teachings. HKD is famous for its 3 Pillars (Hwa, Won, Yu). SMK gels all three via our “Flow” approach. However, all these are technical issues. The true essence of the Art is in its Values. Not the techniques, not the history or fancy talk. Rules are merely the parameters of accepted behaviour in a given environment.
Your values will define who you are, and what you stand for.
Our Values (reflected under KOMA values) are defined as HONOUR, INTEGRITY and DUTY.
HONOUR: respect others; your teachers, your teachings, each other. Give people their dues and respect their opinions even if they are hopelessly wrong…J.
Do NOT, however, honour those that do not share these values and thus have no sense of honour of their own.
INTEGRITY: be true to yourself and others. Do not break faith with yourself or others. Do not lie, cheat, deceive or mislead. Always keep your word. Help others for the right reasons, with no hidden agenda.
There will be times when we will be tested; we will err; we will make mistakes and we will do wrongs. This is acceptable, for we are but human. However, as soon as we are aware of our wrongs, we must make every effort to set them right. Do not stand behind excuses – have the courage and determination to make it right!
DUTY: do not shirk your responsibilities. As you go through life, you will encounter many tasks. Perform them diligently and passionately with a simple 3 point checklist in mind:
Again, it is ok to fail a task or stumble and fall. However, it is your duty to get up and complete the objective successfully. Do not give up hope and do not abandon those who depend on and believe in you.
Thank you for your time.
Julian Lim