LTC (Rtd) Lim was honored by a personal invitation to join South Korea's (ROK) premier military CQC Special Forces (SF) Training and Research Center, the Korea World TukKong Association (KWTA). The KWTA is promoted as the sole source of ROK's military SF and Presidential Secret Service unarmed combat and anti-terrorist training, and is the guardian of TukKong MooSool or " Special Attacking Military Techniques or System ". This recognition only further reflects and reinforces LTC (Rtd) Lim's steadfast focus, specialization and research in military CQC over the years. LTC (Rtd) Lim's papers can be found at the Certificates, Gallery section of this site or via this link . More on the KWTA can be gleaned at their web site which is at
OCTOBER 10th, 2006
GM Lim was invited to conduct several private HapKiDo and CQC seminars in Sydney, Australia for both civilians and some military personnel. He would like to especially thank the 2 gracious organisers, Albert Khoo and Eugene Chung for the series of events. The very successful seminars and meetings lasted from Saturday 30 September to Saturday 07 October. GM Lim was also thankful to meet several leading domestic martial artists, especially Sifu Lawrence Lee of TongKuenDo fame.
JUNE 15th, 2006
GM Julian S. Lim experienced a very positive annual trip to the USA this May and would like to express his sincere thanks to all those individuals who helped make it happen, especially MST Patrick Baeder, Ed Tirreney and Bob Reynolds. more...
APRIL 6th, 2006
MARCH 4th, 2006
GM Julian S. Lim teamed up with StarWeekend, (The Star, Malaysia) in offering practical safety awareness tips, especially to women. The tips included featured video clips on Self Defence.