

Special Seminar in Kuching.

GM J. S. Lim was agin graciously invited by MST Jong of Kuching, Sarawak, to give an annual KMA HapKiDo and HoShinSool seminar on 15 Nov 2008. On this trip, however, we were fortunate that INS Emil Fisk of FMA PTK fame was able to also give a separate seminar on Edged and Impact weapons. Emil is also certified as 4 Dan TKD CDK and 3 Dan HKD CDK.

This marked the first time that PTK was introduced to Sarawak and East Malaysia. The comprehensive back to back 8 hour session was enjoyed by all, and planning is already underway for the next session in early 2009.

Web Site Maintaince.

We are currently undertaking a slow but overdue and necessary maintaince of our web site, especially with regards to the copy content and links. This will hopefully be concluded in time for the New Year, so please bear with us:)


i. KOMA SEAPAC was recently recognized as a provider (contractor status) of specialized training (specifically MIL and LE CQC and CQB) Programs by the (Malaysian) Ministry of Finance, and given an appropriate registration certificate and number. This is believed to be the first and only such specific recognition given to date by the MOF.

ii. We were approved as official “contractors’ for Military and Law Enforcement Tactical Combat Training Programs by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) on 24 October 2008. The official certificate number given is #285499, and our registration number is #357-02119740. According to MoF sources, this is the first time such Programs have been recognized as such.


17th OCTOBER 2008

Julian Lim @ Alif Aiman (in Malay National dress with black hat or "songkok") is seen with Sheikh Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, a very noted Islamic religious leader who is baesd in Mecca. Sheikh Maliki was the initial person who accepted Aiman's Oath or Shahadah, welcoming him into Islam in 2007.

The Sheikh was very encouraged by Aiman's interest in promoting Military and LE CQC and CQB internationally, and promised to offer prayers for the success of the Programs, especially into Islamic countries. As reported earlier, both the CQC and CQB programs have been endorsed officially as Syariah or Islamic Law compliant, a world first.



29th SEPTEMBER 2008

KOMA SEAPAC, under LTC J. S. LIM (aka Aiman Abd), has received official sanction on 25 September 2008 from the Malaysian Islamic Development Board (JAKIM) that endorses and certifies the CQC and CQB Military and LE Programs as "Harus" or "Permissable" following Shariah (Islamic Law) tenents.

This is believed to be the first time that any National religious authorithy has investigated and endorsed a program of its type worldwide.