Military CQC Certification

KOMA is offering Military Close Quarter Combat certification and conversion training to qualified and deserving individuals. Preference will be given to appropriately trained and qualified Military personnel (serving or retired) who meet the standards and requirements.

In cases where the individuals attitude, knowledge and skills are deemed acceptable but where some conversion or refresher training is required, the candidates will be invited to partake in either the 100 hour Skills Training and/or the 25 hour Instructors Training Programs.

Individuals need to hold the following minimum qualifications:

    1. Army Combatives or equivalent;
    2. TaeKwonDo 4 th Dan, HapKiDo 3 rd Dan or equivalent.
    3. Instructor or Coach equivalent.

Samples of the CQC certificates (CQC Instructor & CQC Skills Qualification) can be viewed under > Gallery > Certificates section, at

Please contact us at for further details.