Tip 01/03

Defense Against Grabs : Multiple Scenarios

In training ourselves to prepare against the threat of grabs, we would normally progress from the theory (explanations, assumptions, visualization) to the technical (initial practice and learning of the technique, solo repetitions in front of the mirror, static executions with a partner) to the practical (smooth applications including follow through and take downs with a partner).

The next level would be integration of these techniques against a variety of foreseen attacks, not just grabs (vertical integration) eg. Punches, chops, etc. as well as the integration or blending of these defenses against other types of grabs other than the one initially trained for (horizontal integration) i.e. differently applied defense, then a hand over or flow through into another defense.

The next advanced level would then be to train to prepare against grabs from different opponents to different areas of our person. A simple way to set up this excersise would be to pick 4 to 6 students of roughly the same grade to form a circle and have one “victim” step in facing one direction only. The rest will then take turns to grab various parts of the unform or person from where they are facing that particular “victim”. Thus the “victim” would be exposed to grabs (one at time at first) from all sides, at all levels, to most parts of that person, and have to react accordingly. When everyone has grabbed said victim and neutralized, we barn dance or rotate another “victim” from the group.

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Ready to meet
the threat
Frontal grab Rear grab Countering Take down !

TQ: Miss Sharen Cheah and Kevin Lee