Tip February 2004

Class Objectives: Know Your System

While we give our all during our training sessions, have we ever wondered about the overall objective or flavour of our class? Every instructor will either subconsciously or consciously focus on a certain overall objective for his/her class; at the end of the day, what is the most critical goal that the students need to get out of it?

The following are some typical types of classes, with personal general observations (tongue in cheek). We are not saying that any one type is bad or good, its just a list for quick identification for which type of class or group you may be in. If you are happy with the realization, fine. On the other hand, if you realise that your class objectives are now identified as different from what you thought or want, you need to accept it or take your own appropriate action. This applies to both Instructors and students.

1) Survivor Series
You train until exhaustion, then carry on. Everything is in the 100's; push ups, crunches, up-downs, kicks, punches, etc. You aim to be the fittest. To last the class is your ultimate motivation. Make sure your resting heart beat is 50 per minute or less!

2) Rambo / Macho Man
More pain, more gain! Aargh! What rest time? Water is for whips! Don't question, just do it! Usually run by military wanabes and large sized individuals. Hit the weights and bulk up!

3) Grasshopper History
You need to know the historical linage of everything; each technique, your dobok, all the       previous Masters, nuances of patterns, etc. You will also be an expert on the different sayings, and have a mini-zen library of questions. All this even before yellow belt.

4) Competition Ready
Very specialist class, seeking victory in the ring to one set of rules only. Anything outside the rules is no go. You are driven to get the point, and deny the opponent from scoring. Medals are OK, but winning is the end goal.

5) Mardi Gras
Everybody let's have fun! See the instructor in the day glow, light pearl yellow dobok? See all the seniors with their 20 or 80 patches, badges and tabs? Read all the words on their backs, legs, arms and front? Yehahhh!

6) Empowered
Everybody needs to know where we come from, why we do things a particular way, and where we are going. Strategy is as important as execution.

7) Mahjong
Instructor sits by himself or with a few seniors, discussing important issues. Students are given a few key tasks and are loosely monitored.

8) Whats-up?
Every class is a surprise! Something new everyday, like BJJ or TKD or NinjaDo. Even the Instructor doesn't know what the content will be until the second before.

9) Master on a Pedestral?
The Instructor or Master is not God, but is close to God. Listen to all his/her stories; relive the past glories, see old trophies, medals and awards from institutions and bodies some people may not win have heard of!