Tip 04/03
Counter Attacking Drills
Most training centers have various programs that
inculcate and refine attacking techniques and sequences for their
advanced students. This is good. However, some stop short at this
point and do not include any drills that serve to develop and refine
counter attacking (CA) skills and stamina. While some may argue
that this is not necessary , I beg to drifter. If we train for attack
and defense, why not counter attack? It is a different basket of
skill sets.
One of the easiest ways of executing a set of CA
drills is for 2 exponents to partner up, one with a body shield.
To keep the initial set simple, limit the counter attack techniques
to ap chagi and duebon chirugi ( front kick and double punch) only.
Attacker (in front of wall) holds shield facing
defender. Attacker kiaps, and steps forward aggressively, mimicking
a hostile move or attack, forcing the defender back. Upon taking
a step (or 2) back, defender launches a rapid CA. Increase the frequency
and reduce the time in between steps as you get comfortable with
the drill to improve the efficiency of the exercise.
Once people are used with the scenario, throw in
different CA techniques and vary the pace, angle of shield and length
of the attackers step. Hoooah!
Ready positions |
Shield advances ; defender
steps / shuffles back a tad |
Shield steps ; defender
launches front thrust kick |
Defender continues with a double punch combination |
Defender ends with a back
thrust kick (kiap please!) |
TQ: Mr. Lionel Yap and Mr. Benjamin Thong