Tip May 2004


May 01, 2004

Let's face it; kicking is one of the hardest tool in the martial (MA) arsenal to master. A great many students get turned off when they are unable to progress significantly or meaasurable in their kicking skills. The following is an integrated modular method to assit and guide aspiring kickers.

The objective of the exercise is to help improve the basic balance of the student when executing the basic kicks. Kicks user here are :

a. front kick
b. side kick
c. turning kick
d. front hook kick
e. back kick

You can add, delete or substitute any kick.

Once you have mastered the basic balance for all 5 kicks, start doing them in sequence, without letting your kicking foot touch the floor between each kick.

1a. Ready!

1b. Knee Cocked

1c. Front Kick

1d. Recovery x 20 times

2a. Side Kick

2b. Turning Kick

2c. Front Hook Kick

2d. Back Kick

Once you have achieved a level of comfortable competency in doing the whole range or sequence, add speed without locking the knee joint. Voila!

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