Tip 07/03
One Step Variations
One step sparring (Il Bo TaeRyon or Il Bo Kyorugi)
is a virtually mandatory staple in most KMA syllabi. This forms
a sound foundation for us to practice and perfect our basic and
advanced self defense counter attacks against a given, fixed attack.
Said controlled attack is usually a high section single straight
punch with the aggressor’s right hand.
The advantages of this procedure are as above i.e.
a controlled set attack to defend and/or counter attack. Unfortunately,
after time, even though we may perfect set counters, there remain
some questions or potential shortfalls. Firstly, we get lulled into
defending from only one attack, usually from one side (ok, some
of us may practice against both the right and left punches; give
yourselves a gold star). Some of the more creative amongst us try
to vary the attacks with different tools, eg. kicks, etc, This is
also very positive.
To start us on the right track, we can try to vary
the attackers basic controlled attack. We can try to execute 5 variations
of the classical (straight) punch. Each variation will eventually
require a different approach to our (by now confortable) defensive
moves previously engraved in our memories, Horror of horrors, we
may find that some of our classical blocks will now not work without
drastic changes in body angles, positioning and end execution! Furthermore,
this would also apply to our end counter attacks!
The variations that we can try are : hook punch, 45 degree downward
slap, horizontal back slap, uppercut, lead hand jab. Repeat with
other side forward.
Classical straight punch |
Hook punch |
45 degree slap |
Back slap |
Uppercut |
Lead jab |
TQ: Kevin Lee.