Tip 10/02

"Hollywood" Drills

Are your drills getting a tad stale? Practices not fun anymore? Have no fear! Inject some humor and zest into your workouts!

A basic scenario for this example is to have a partner holding a body shield facing you in a closed stance. He then advances into your defensive zone, forcing you to move back (step, shuffle, quick step, teleport; it doesn't matter!) while maintaining your ready stance. You then unleash the first of 4 to 8 sets of front turning kicks continuously WITHOUT pause. The number of kicks per set can vary between 4 to 8.

At the end of each set's last kick, you kiap loudly and shout a pre-arranged phrase, e.g.:
1) 1st set: "Strike Hard!"
2) 2nd set: "Strike Fast!"
3) 3rd set: "Strike without Mercy!"
4) 4th set: "Cobra Kai Dojo!"

I hope that I'm not infringing on any copy write here! Try out your own calls based on memorable phrases that you can recall. Remember to have fun and change partners. Humor, controlled and positive, can be a very strong motivator in the dojang.

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Squaring off
Ready to kick
Kiap at end