Tip 11/02

Kicking Accuracy

In order to improve our kicking skills, the 3 most basic approaches are:
1) Technique bio-mechanics (e.g. using the knee to point, hip rotation and drive, waist counter twist, support foot turn out angle, kicking foot placement, extension, etc.);
2) Technique accuracy (hit percentage);
3) Technique speed (time to target).

Please DO NOT work on your speed generation and power delivery without first having a sound platform re the correct technique fundamentals. All that you would have would be a fast (and maybe even strong) but incorrect technique that would lead to probable self-injury. Again, a fast but consistently inaccurate technique would be a questionable tool to have in our arsenal.

One method to improve accuracy at various speeds and heights would be to suspend, at various heights (from shoulder to top of head levels), light but small balls (e.g. squash, table tennis, etc., or my favorite, bright orange practice plastic golf balls). This can be done by stringing the balls in rows on the ceiling via simple strips of wood.

You can then execute various kicking drills up and down the rows to a set time limit. Pair up with a partner to see who can get off the most number of on-target hits, using a variety of kicking sets, e.g. free; turning, spinning and then chopping as one set, etc.

Once an acceptable targeting probability (80% to 90%) is achieved, you can then take things to the next stage by having each other throwing free balls into the air at each other as moving targets. Once you again achieve 80% hit probability, you will definitely gain the confidence by having a "one strike, one hit" capability. This translates to less stress, less wasted shots and better stamina.

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TQ: Mr. Mau, Master Kenneth Khoo, Master Tony Tay (ball thrower)