Tip 11/03
Workout Preparation
It is the responsibility of the Instructor to insure
that the workout routines executed are efficient, safe, and specific
to the class to be taught. Of course there are still some Instructors
who fail both themselves and their students by using exercises that
belong in the dark ages, but that is for another article. However,
the students themselves need to firstly prepare themselves for the
class and works out session before hand. Too often I’ve come
into dojangs seeing people come in cold, drop to the floor and begin
stretching. This gung-ho approach, which is supposed to pass as
getting ready for a workout, leads to injury and reduced performance.
The key to a successful workout is a successful pre-workout to prepare
the mind and body for maximum performance.
First, we need to start with preparing the mind. Rushing headlong
into the dojang after a long day at work is the norm for many people.
They try hard to sandwich in their training between numerous other
commitments. However, to train successfully we need to set aside
the rest of our daily stresses and bring our focus to the task ahead.
Whether it’s a minute or two of meditation or a visualization
of the training session to come, take the time to center yourself
and fully commit yourself to your workout.
Second, prewarm-up your joints and muscles. A good five to ten minutes
of light exercises are necessary to increase blood-flow to your
muscles. Light running, skipping, shadow boxing and light joint
rotations are all excellent ways to warm your muscles. Make sure
you warm up your entire body not just your arms and legs. Basic
limbering-up exercises would also be good to end your pre-session.
Done correctly, your workout preparation should have you in the
right state of mind, lightly limbered and ready to begin the actual
warm-up section, which should include all the specific active stretching
(not static!)