General (Rtd) Tan Sri Dato' Mohd. Ghazali Seth was born in Johor Baru, and enlisted in the elite Royal Malay Regiment in 1950. He is a distinguished graduate of Eaton Hall (UK), as well as several very prestigious military institutions: Sandhurst Royal Military Academy (UK); Military Staff College Camberly (UK) and Joint Services College Latimar (UK). He achieved many "firsts" in his military career, including being appointed as our first Military attaché to Jakarta and the first Director of Joint Intelligence.

Tan Sri was a Major General after 19 years of commissioned service and became the Chief of the General Staff (Army) in 1977. At age 48 he achieved the pinnacle of any military career, assuming the position of Chief of Defense Forces (aka Joint Chiefs of Staff) in

1981. He was known as a firm but fair leader, consistently meticulous and objective. His legacy as a great strategist and diplomat continues to inspire others who also choose to walk the path requiring uncompromising sacrifice, honor, integrity and service to the nation.

The General has served on many corporate boards, including Nestle (M) Bhd., CCM Bhd., and GA Insurance Bhd. He was appointed as a Senator by Royal decree from 1990 to 1993; is a "Distinguished Fellow" of the Institute of Strategic Studies (ISIS) and continues to volunteer his time for many charity causes.

We are extremely grateful and honored to have the General's gracious consent to assist us by being a Strategic Advisor for our various Warfare and National Security platform programs.

Grandmaster (GM) KIM Yong-Ho 9th Dan, was appointed President of the worldwide ChungDoKwan Korea in late 2011. He was personally awarded this top position by his instructor Great Grand Master Uhm, current HweJangNim of TKDCDK, who will step aside from the position in 2012.

It makes Grand Master Kim the fifth Head of the ChungDoKwan since Grand Master Lee Won Kuk founded it in 1944. Master Kim will work hard to try and bring together the worldwide TKDCDK.


GM PARK, Hae-Man (Special Advisor)
Grandmaster (GM) Park Hae Man began his martial arts career when he saw a demonstration at the Seoul YMCA in 1949. After witnessing that demonstration, he asked his father if he could join the YMCA Kwon Bup Bu under GM Yoon Byung In. His father approved, and GM Park spent six months learning under GM Yoon before the Korean War broke out. Prior to training in the martial arts, GM Park was active as a gymnast.

During the Korean War, GM Park was assigned to the ROK Army Signal Corps. After the Korean War, GM Park studied under GM Uhm and eventually was promoted to 1st Dan in 1954. He first began teaching at Seoul National University in 1955 before becoming the

Chief Taekwondo Instructor for the Presidential Protective Forces at the Bluehouse (ROK Presidential Palace) in 1962. GM Park taught at the Bluehouse for 18 years.

He is a Chief Instructor's Instructor at 10th Dan, and was the Head of the WTF Poomse creation committee.

GM OOI Hock-Lye (Special Advisor)
Grand Master Ooi currently holds multiple Black Belt ranks: 8 Dan by the WKO and UKEMAF with a 7 Dan by the WTF. He is also certified under TangSooDo MooDukKwan and SooBhakDo. Under non-traditional MAs, he is qualified as an Instructor for Pressure Points Control Tactics (PPCT) and Reality Based Self Defense (RBSD) systems.

GM Ooi holds dual citizenships for both the UK and Canada. He is the official Canadian representative for SooBhakDo TangSooDo, head of Ooi's Martial Arts System (OMAS) and an Executive Committee member of the WKO. He currently owns and operates 3 separate training centers in the Greater Toronto area.

GM Ooi started training in the Martial Arts and boxing at age 12, and achieved is first Black Belt in ITF TaeKwonDo in 1968. He is the founding member of several prestigious MA institutions: London TKD/TangSooDo Association; UK TangSooDo Federation; British Association of Korean Martial Arts; UK MA Commission; OMAS. He is regularly invited to conduct intensive seminars in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Caribbean.

GM Kim, Nam-Jae (KHF, center back row)
GM KIM, Nam Jae is one of the most senior masters in the KHF. The 9 Dan GM is the Head of his own Kwan, called Kyung Moo Kwan, and is our contact and Master for the KHF and great HapKiDo in Korea!


GM Sunny Tan (Special Mention)
Grand Master Sunny Tan Sar Bee's life storey is one of an individual who, given insurmountable odds at birth to survive, refused to bow down to circumstance. With great determination and a "can do" attitude GM Tan not only survived, but managed to excel despite formidable odds.

Training and living in Korea for years at a time in the late 50's until the late 70's, GM Tan studied and sparred with the best. Among his key instructors were Park Hae-Man (TaeKwonDo) and Ji Han-Jae (HapKiDo). Since his first meeting with GM Tan in the early 80's, GM Lim has continued to forge a close and enduring with bond of friendship with him.



GM Dr. Alif Aiman Abd
Y. Bhg. LTC Alif Aiman Abdullah (@ Julian S. LIM) is the President of KOMA, and was born in 1959, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has several academic qualifications from a PhD in Oriental History (Honorary) to an MBA, a BBA and 2 Diplomas. He specializes in Brand Marketing in the civilian world and has worked in over 5 countries in a number of market leading multi nationals.

He started training in TaeKwonDo in 1970 and is currently ranked 9th Dan in HapKiDo SungMooKwan (DaeHan KIDoHwe) and 8th Dan in WTF TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan (WTF). From 1984 to 1985 he was appointed as Senior Instructor of the Royal Malaysian Para-Military (PPH) Police. The unit was routinely used against anti-communist insurgents via 'search and destroy' sweeps in dense jungle areas.

Aiman served as Head of Program to the Royal Malaysian Armed Forces Unarmed Combat Institute, where he had aggressively headed the development of a (basic) military self-defense system (Close Quarter Combat, (or Tempur Tanpa Senjata HapKiDo) from 1993 to 1999. Training was also extended on special request to various individuals from U.S. Army Special Forces (SF), Special Operations Forces (Rangers) and Airborne units (82nd, 101st and the JFKSWC). He received Army goodwill cross training at both Ft Benning and Ft Bragg during 1993 to 1999.

Honorary Military Qualifications include: Master Parachutist; Master HALO; Pathfinder; Expert Infantry Badge; Ranger; Special Forces; Joint Special Operations Command. LTC Aiman held the acting rank of Leftenant Colonel before retiring in 1999.

LTC Aiman was honored by an invitation to join the KWTA in December 2006. The KWTA is the official research and training arm for the ROKA Special Forces and Presidential Secret Service. Their specialty is in Anti-Terrorist First Response via the 707th Special Missions Battalion.

In 2008, LTC Aiman received a special personal endorsement from none other than Sheikh Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki, a noted key Islamic religious leader based in Mecca. The Sheikh was very encouraged by Aiman's interest in promoting Tactical Combat and Security Programs internationally, especially into Islamic countries. In September 2012, he was elected as President (WPKL State) of the National Warriors Council or Majlis Pendekar Malaysia (MPM).

Tony is the designated Executive Officer (XO) or Chief Operations Officer of KOMA™. He has been trained in the martial arts from the tender age of 9, starting off in Wing Chun kung-fu and trained by his father who was a well-known martial arts exponent in his time. Tony is currently ranked as 4th Dan in HapKiDo and 5th Dan in HoSinSool.

Tony is Airborne qualified having successfully completed an (Airborne) jump program under the Canadian Armed Forces in Ontario, Canada with 25 static-line jumps to his credit. He has attended several military training programs sponsored by the Thai Marine Recon Forces, including jump refresher courses and basic courses in MOUT (military operations in urban terrain) and CQB (close-quarters battle).

Currently based in Bangkok, Thailand and working as the CEO of a large multi-national telecommunications engineering firm, he spends his spare time in the civilian sports of shooting and air-soft survival games.

MST Jong Nyan Chong
Currently ranked 7 Dan in both TaeKwonDo and HapKiDo, MST Jong was born on 27th April 1957 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. He has over 40 years in the Martial Arts. He is the current Chief Instructor (KOMA SEAPAC™) of both the states of Sabah and Sarawak (East Malaysia). Jong is an ex - national "Sportsman of Malaysia" and a former athletics coach of Sarawak (Track and Field).


MST Kenneth Khoo (Special Member: ITF Liaison)
Born 02 November 1965 in Kuala Lumpur, MST Kenneth started TaeKwonDo TKD) aged 13 in 1979 at the Royal Lake Club Kuala Lumpur under GrandMaster (GM) Low Koon Lin 09 Dan. He obtained his 1st Dan in 1984.  

He then furthered his academic studies in England at Barnet College and later Middlesex University in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Whilst studying and later working in England he was active in TKD with the TKD Association of Great Britain (TAGB) under Mr. Albert Williamson-Taylor in Woodgreen, North London. He further started a club in Friern Barnet, North London and participated in TAGB tournaments both as a competitor and as an official.

In 1994 he returned to Malaysia and resumed training and teaching TKD. In 1998 his Korean Martial Arts Academy was established located in Pusat Bandar Puchong. He started training in HapKiDo (HKD) in 2000 under GM Dr. Julian S. Lim, 08 Dan and now holds a 06 Dan in ITF TKD, 04 Dan in HoSinSool and 03 Dan in HKD and is both a national referee and international instructor.  

He has attended seminars conducted by GM Hwang Duk Hyu (Hapkido), GM Park Hae Man (WTF), GM Hee Il Cho, SNR MST Kim Sam Dok (ITF N.Korea), MST Chang Seong Dong (WTF), SNR MST Trevor Nicholls (ITF), GM Choi Jung Hwa and GEN Choi Hong Hi. To date he has been active in TKD for over 32 years and ITF 7th Dan eligible in 2012.

MST Nigel May
Born in 1965, this Australian Master Instructor is ranked 6 Dan in both HapKiDo and TaeKwonDo.  

Nigel started training in the early 90's initially in Taekwondo and Kenpo Karate. Unfortunately, the Kenpo school closed down, and he then continued with TaeKwonDo. After achieving his first Black belt, he then pursued other trainings like boxing, and a bit of Wing Chun and Hapkido. After a while, Nigel decided to continue on the HapKiDo path which to this day is his passion and drive.

In 1994 he returned to Malaysia and resumed training and teaching TKD. In 1998 his Korean Martial Arts Academy was established located in Pusat Bandar Puchong. He started training in HapKiDo (HKD) in 2000 under GM Dr. Julian S. Lim, 08 Dan and now holds a 06 Dan in ITF TKD, 04 Dan in HoSinSool and 03 Dan in HKD and is both a national referee and international instructor.

Fortunate to have trained with a lot of prominent masters, he has settled with Grand Master Julian Lim and actively promotes both HKD SungMooKwan™ and TKD ChungDoKwan™ in Melbourne, Australia. 

Nigel is currently employed in the Law Enforcement and Security industry as in one of the Youth Justice Residential Units. He is also a qualified Remedial and Acupuncture Therapist. He operates over 3 dojangs at the moment.

MST Lee Kin-Seng
Master Lee has over 20 years of experience in TaeKwonDo and is qualified as an International Instructor. He was promoted to 6 Dan in TKD CDK in 2011 and has a sound history of coaching the TKD teams of various institutes of higher education (Universities and Polytechnics) in Northern Malaysia. Furthermore, MST Lee is trained and certified as a Sports Science Coach (Levels 1 to 3) by the Malaysian Sports Council.
MST Patrick Baeder
Master Patrick currently holds dual rankings of 5 Dan TaeKwonDo and 4 Dan HapKiDo. Patrick served honorably with the US Army and attained the rank of Captain. He is Ranger, Airborne and Air Assault qualified, and is the current Combatives Instructor of the 20th Special Forces Group as well as a guest Instructor at the US Army Combatives school at Ft Benning, GA. MST Patrick who was the Champion at the 2004 American TKD Championships, actively runs a very successful MA and Fitness center in Auburn, AL, USA.
MST Mark Toohey
MST Mark is a 44-year-old father of 3 children. He is 188cm tall and weighs 98kg. He has been involved in martial arts for almost 30 years and currently will soon be eligible for promotion to 6 Dan in TaeKwonDo (TKD).

He is a former State Taekwondo Heavy Weight Champion and competed successfully in many mixed martial arts tournaments throughout Australia.

Mark worked as a Security Guard in Melbourne and Central Victoria Night Clubs for over 20 years. After previously starting up 2 very successful TKD clubs in Melbourne's western suburbs, he now trains with MST Nigel May.
SBN Jason Leigh Ibbotson
As at 2012, Jason was NO LONGER a member of KOMA.

In 2006 Jason met and aligned himself with Master Nigel May. In 2008 through Master Nigel May he directly aligned himself with Master Julian Lim of SungMooKwan. Also in 2009 Jason had the opportunity to train with Master Julian Lim at Master May's school in Bendigo. "Master Lim took me very much by surprise, his close quarter combat approach to his HapKiDo was amazing, I was instantly interested. He is truly a great master and I am so happy that even though I am so many years into my training that Master Lim offers much more knowledge and a path in which to learn and achieve it".

SBN Alex Ryo NG
Ryo was born in 1983 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He had been involved in number of sports since childhood. Driven by a burning interest in Korean Martial Arts, he first began training in WTF or KukKi TaeKwonDo (TKD) at the age of 8 and has since dedicated himself to learning the culture as well as multiple disciplines of TKD. He obtained his 1st Dan black belt 6 years later. He also has had outstanding achievements in many national and international level TKD competitions. At the age of 16, he was appointed as an assistant Instructor, and after gaining 2 years of coaching and teaching experience, he become a full TKD instructor. Ryo was promoted to 5 Dan TKD CDK in 2011. He is the currently the deputy (TKD) instructor to the main TKD CDK dojang at Sri Hartamas, KL.

Ryo is currently expanding his knowledge base by studying TKD ChungDoKwan (the original style of Korean TKD) as well as HapKiDo SungMooKwan (HKD). He finds that HKD completes his TKD training by adding a layer of realism in terms of proven efficient self defense responses. Finally, Ryo is also very interested in researching into the ideology, philosophy, and disciplines of other major martial arts.

SBN Azrul was born in 1981 and is currently training in both TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan (TKD CDK) and HapKiDo SungMooKwan. He is a professional high school teacher, and has a passion for MAs, music and assisting others vis a vis education.

He is a former State athlete and was promoted to 5 Dan (TKD CDK) in 2012. He is also qualified as an International Instructor in TKD CDK while practicing HKD SMK.

SBN Ariffin started his  martial arts in 1989 by participating in the indigenous Malay art of  Silat and then decided to join Taekwondo in 1991. He has since participated in various competitions at university, district and state levels. His silat exposure includes Silat Cekak Jawa,  Silat Gayung Ghaib and Silat Lian Padukan.

He has served as the TKD coach to the Polyklinik Sultan Azlan Shah since 2005 as well as being the national coach to the MGTF Taekwondo Champions 2008 to 2010. He also serves as the TKD instructor for various other clubs: Sekolah Kebangsaan Tanjong Malim, MRSMF, Sentosa Martial Arts School, PPSPPA Hulu Selangor Enforcers 2010-2011.  He was promoted to TKD CDK 05 Dan in 2011.

SBN Azhari Omar
SBN Azhari is a graduate from University Technology Malaysia with an MSc in IT Management. He currently is employed as a Senior Manager at PROTON, Malaysia's national car maker.

Starting his martial art training in 1987 with Seni Silat Gayung under Cikgu Yaakob, he competed regularly until 1992 when he started the study of ITF TKD under Peter Chong where he continued to compete in various tournaments.

He was successful in gaining his 5 Dan TKD CDK in 2011 as well as Being certified as an International Instructor. He is also currently studying HapKiDo SungMooKwan and Silat Lian Padukan.

SBN Le Cheng Foh
Le Cheng Foh started practicing TaeKwonDo in 2000 under Roy Ng Kah-Sing. Since then, he has deepened his love of the art of TaeKwonDo. Through Roy he began to explore tp try and gain deeper insights of TKD under Grandmaster Julian Lim @ Alif Aiman in 2009.

At the same time, Le also started his study into HapKiDo SungMooKwan, also under GM Julian Lim as well. In 2011 he achieved his TKD CDK 4th Dan black belt rank. For Le, practicing both TKD and HKD means not just physical benefits and advancement but also synergizes his understanding in the Korean Martial Arts as a whole. He is currently one of the three TKD CDK head instructors for the Alam Damai Dojang, Kuala Lumpur.

SBN Rainey Soh Hee-Keat
SBN Rainey Soh Hee-Keat first began his involvement in TaeKwonDo in 1996. He quickly immersed himself into the study of TaeKwonDo. His deepening interests in the Korean Martial Arts encouraged him to pursue his studies further under the direct tutelage of GrandMaster Julian Lim @ Alif Aiman for both ChungDoKwan TKDo and SungMooKwan HapKiDo. He obtained his 4th Dan Black Belt in TKD CDK in 2011. And is currently one of three head instructors with the TKD CDK Dojang in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur
SBN Casey Wong King Chiong
SaBoomNim (Instructor) Cassey is currently ranked as a 4 Dan in HapKiDo and a 2 Dan in TaeKwonDo. Born in 1964, Cassey joined KOMA™ Kuching in 1966 and is a direct student of MST Jong. He is both a former swimming coach as well as an ex state Polo player.
SBN David Bong Tze Chong
Born in 1975, David is currently ranked as 4 Dan HapKiDo and 2 Dan TaeKwonDo. He joined KOMA™ Kuching in 1998 and is a direct student of MST Jong.
SBN Lionel YAP
Lionel was born in 1970, and is blissfully married to Khu Gek Kim. He is currently ranked as 4 Dan in HapKiDo, and is the deputy (HKD) Instructor to the main HKD SMK dojang at Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur.

His objective in life is based on his company's motto: "Saving the Planet, One Day at a Time" and thus to become a recognized advocate & leader in environment enhancement & sustainable energy generation. His current employer is Solamas Sdn Bhd, which is based in Puchong, Selangor. He is a Project manager in the Energy sector (Solar generation and Energy Savings). On the academic front, he has a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from the University of Western Australia.

Lionel also volunteers as a Student Advisor for a leading private Christian college. Under the MAs, Lionel also assists in training specialized classes for bodyguards and other Security industry personnel. He has also trained with close quarter combat specialists from Philippines who have trained Presidential Guards & Marine Special Forces for the Philippine Armed Forces.

SBN Alton Jong
Alton Jong was born in 1986 and started training in various Korean martial arts with Master Jong (who is incidentally his father) in 1993. He is currently ranked as a 4 Dan in both TKD ChungDoKwan and HapKiDo SungMooKwan and serves as a deputy Instructor in Koma's main East Malaysia dojang in Kuching, Sarawak.

John began training in Taekwondo Chung Do Kwan at the age of eight under Master Walter Datson of Hazlehurst, GA, USA. Master Datson took a very traditional approach to teaching and training. Although he competed often, his training was well balanced with competition and self defense. Master Datson and his students are allegedly among the few in the U.S. that still focuses heavily on body conditioning in TaeKwonDo training. They would spend countless classes hitting the makiwara board or performing blocks on each other to harden their natural striking surfaces.

John's teaching and training philosophy is a reflection of the above. There is a strong focus on self defense techniques and the power in which Chung Do Kwan is known for. While in the U.S. Navy he had the opportunity to train with various individuals and schools, further developing his knowledge of the martial arts. Serving as an assistant instructor at many of the schools he trained at during this time also gave him the unique opportunity to observe many different teaching styles, thus allowing him to incorporate many different teaching philosophies into his teaching style.

Bob is currently ranked as a 3 Dan in HapKiDo (4 Dan promotable) as well as a 2 Dan in TaeKwonDo. Bob is a member of a special fraternity, i.e. the Brotherhood. He served honorably with the 1st CAV, and distinguished himself in combat while serving with the US military. He is also additionally qualified as a Military Hand to Hand CQC Instructor as well as a Certified Adrenal Stress Response Instructor.

Guru Emil Fisk (Weapons Specialist)
Mr. Fisk's martial arts experience started in 1990; in 2000, he took up the Filipino Martial Arts and since 2008 is an Authorized Instructor in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali (PTK), of which he is also the National Director for Malaysia. PTK encompasses all ranges of combat, from grappling to projectile weapons, but specializes in the use of close quarter edged and impact weaponry. He is also currently ranked 4 Dan in TKD and 3 Dan in HKD.

His security experience includes that of operational training, especially that of Close Quarter Combat ("CQC") methods, with the Philippine Marine Corps Force Recon Battalion and various special operations forces ("SOF") of the Philippine National Police, including the Special Action Force, Aviation Security Group, Regional Mobile Groups, and Manila Special Weapons and Tactics ("SWAT") teams.

Mr. Fisk holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Western Michigan University, and a Master of Social Sciences in Strategic and Security Analysis from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ("UKM").