November 8th, 2005
- Updated list of "Delinquent Persons" (removed at at 15th January 2006).
- As part of our yearly community efforts, the main dojang at Mt Kiara is accepting all interested parties currently on their school break FREE lessons from now until the last class of the year or Thursday 22 December. Students from any Art or School are welcome absolutely FREE of charge. Kindly follow the dojang rules and be our guests. Sports attire is allowed in liew of traditional uniforms.
Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday evening, 2000hrs to 2130hrs, 3F Plaza Mt Kiara, Sri Hartamas.
October 16th, 2005
- GM Julian Lim has been awarded the special Korea TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan "Plague of Appreciation" , personally authenticated by Great GM Uhm Woon Kyu, Head of Korea TKD CDK and current President of the KukKiWon. This award was graciously recommended by Lim's TKD Master, GM Park Hae Man.
- KJN Alejandro Gomez Perez of Espania (Spain) was recently successfully assessed for and awarded his KOMA HapKiDo SungMookwan 5th Dan and International Instructor's award. Many congratulations!
- Frank Clay of the USA has ceased to be associated in any way with KOMA effective 14 October 2005. US enquries are to be directed to Master Patrick Baeder.
- Over time, various individuals have owed monies for various services requested for and provided, but have steadfastly reneged on payments. These individuals will be posted from time to time on a new section simply called "Delinquent Persons" (removed at at 15th January 2006). Their references will be deleted once the appropriate payments are made with a full apology. I will of course have all the necessary proof of their debtor status. This section will be up by end 2005 latest; those who still owe us money should settle their debts by 31 October 2005 or be listed.
September 4th, 2005
The following persons received their KOMA certification upgrades during the 2005 KOMA SEAPAC USA TOUR:
- Master Patrick Baeder : TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan 5th Dan and Korean HoSinSool 5th Dan with Master Instructor Qualifications. Mst Baeder was also appointed the US personal representative of KOMA SEAPAC for the period 01 July 2005 until 31 December 2006.
- Master Chris McMahan : Korean HoSinSool 5th Dan and Master Qualification plus Specialist rank and Specialist Instructor qualification for Military CQC.
- Black Belts David Everett and Jedediah McMunn , TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan 1st Dan, with Patrick Lewis 1st Poom. Many congratulations!
August 10th, 2005
- The DaeHan KiDoHae (not to be confused with the World KiDo Federation, a separate body) or Korea KiDo Association (KKA) is the world's oldest HapKiDo association , started on September 02, 1963 by DJN Ji, Han-Jae. Until 1990, it was the only Association in Korea allowed to issue government recognized Dan certificates for indigenous Korean Martial Arts, especially HapKiDo. It is still seen as the pinacle for HKD certification by many, and has a reputation for tough standards.
On July 28, 2005, the KKA issued a special Letter of Recognition to Julian S. Lim, 8th Dan HKD, recognizing him as a "Master Instructor of Military Close Quarter Combat". The Letter, signed by President Young Keun Lee himself, also acknowledges Julian's standing as the Head or ChangKwanJang of HapKiDo SungMooKwan . This is believed to be the only recognition of its type issued during the history of the KKA. A copy of this historic certificate can be viewed from 13 August 2005 at , Certificates section .
July 17th, 2005
- This is to announce the rank promotion of Julian S. Lim to 8th Dan by the Korea TaeKwonDo ChungDoKwan (TKD CDK). Certificate number #8-218 was issued on June 30, 2005 . This was approved by Lim's TKD Master, Grand Master (GM) Park, Hae-Man, and endorsed by GM Uhm, Woon-Kyu who is the President of both TKD CDK and the KukKiWon (WTF HQ).
Please visit the Gallery section for more info.
June 1st, 2005
- We are pleased to announce a new facelift to the site with information streamlined for easier access. Please be patient as the migration of information to the new site will take some time and access to certain section will take some time (i.e. videos, pictures, etc.)
March 15th, 2005
- This is to announce that the KukKiWon, HQ of the World TaeKwonDo Federation, has issued its 7th Dan to Julian S. Lim; Dan number is 05033225, dated 20 December 2004. The rank upgrade was approved by GM PARK Hae-Man, Julian's TKD Master.
The Dan certificate is the first of the new series of KKW papers that bear the signature of its new President, UHM, Woon-Kyu. Uhm is also the head of Korea ChungDoKwan, TKD's oldest registered Gym system, of which Julian is also a senior member (7th Dan). This is Julian's mother style of TKD since he started training in 1970.
March 2nd, 2005
January 28th, 2005
1. Reflections on the Korean Martial Arts.
2. Check the following link for a preview of - a TaeKwonDo demo trailer and Kyokushin vs. Kyokushin tournament
January 11th, 2005
- Retreat 2004 Pictures. Attached are a few of the 2004 Retreat that was held in October 2004 at Swiss Garden Kuantan.
- Pictures of the new HapKiDo SungMooKwan badge are now uploaded. Photos are of both the standard full colour badge for standard dobok attachment as well as the subduded (military personnel only) version.
- Congratulations to Master Jong in being successful in obtaing approval for his HapKiDo SungMooKwan 6th Dan
January 4th, 2005
- Mt. Kiara 2005 classes resumes, Tuesday 4th January 2005
- January Mat class is on Sunday 9th; 1200 hrs to 1430 hrs, BANGSAR venue