WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL KOMA SEAPAC (Korean Martial Arts South East Asia Pacific) website

We are the independent promoters of

*HKD SMK is a recognised and registered Kwan of both the DaeHan HapKiDo Hyup Hae and the DaeHan KiDoHae.



24th February 2009

On 5 February 2009, KOMA received a direct Letter of (Full) Endorsement (Surat Sokong Penuh) from the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE).

This was is recognition for LTC Aiman's initiative in offering to conduct a series of Talks and Demo workshops to all leading Universities in the Klang Valley.


Safety Awareness for Women

Following an initiative from KOMA SEAPAC, several selected major Universities (mostly in the Klang Valley) will be organizing special Talks on Safety Awareness for Women during March and April. The main objective of the Talk is to empower women (Students and Faculty) by illuminating the potential dangers surrounding them re physical violence and crime.

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DEC 2007


